
The Audit Committee and the Compliance Committee under the Board of Directors are in charge of the Company's anti-corruption and compliance work. The Company has established the Audit Committee, which is responsible for the overall guidance and supervision of anti-corruption work, and the Compliance Committee, which is in charge of the leadership, decision-making, guidance and coordination of compliance management work. The Audit and Supervision Department and the Compliance Office act as the executive bodies to promote regular compliance audits and daily management of corporate compliance to ensure compliance in all business operations of the Company, including all engineering projects and subsidiaries.




Capchem regards risk management as a priority in corporate management. We deeply implement the internal "three lines of defense" risk management framework. We also continuously carry out risk identification, assessment, response, and supervision. Besides, we jointly and systematically advance risk management and refine internal risk control processes by virtue of institutional updates and process optimization. By doing so, we consistently pursue compliant operations while growing together with our business partners.




  • The Company has established a comprehensive reporting and complaint mechanism to encourage employees, suppliers and other stakeholders to make reports or complaints of the Company's violations of laws and disciplines, anonymously or in real names.
  • The Company has organized activities to promote the culture of business ethics, such as compliance training for new hires, integrity oath-taking activities for executives, and the signing of Integrity Agreements or Integrity Clauses for contractors.