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ESG Governance System
Capchem has been always committed to its mission of "Electronic Chemicals and Functional Materials for a Better Future", fully integrating the sustainability development philosophy into business development. Capchem builds and improves ESG governance framework, conducts identification and analysis of material ESG issues, and strengthens communication with stakeholders. Capchem makes tangible efforts for ESG management improvement and action implementation, thus providing support to achieve sustainable operations and social sustainability.
ESG Governance Architecture

Board of Directors
- The highest decision-making level on corporate ESG matters.
- Lead and supervise the implementation of corporate ESG strategy.
- Review and approve corporate ESG strategy, ESG report, etc.

Strategy and Sustainable
Development Committee
- Review the Company's ESG governance strategies and ESG risk identification and assessment results, and confirm control actions on ESG issues with high risks.
- Responsible for ESG governance supervision, including supervising and checking the process of identification, assessment and management of issues related to the Company's ESG governance activities, the implementation of relevant indicators and the progress of goals, and approving ESG development plans and action plans.
- Review the annual ESG report, control the quality of the report and promote disclosure improvement.
- Other ESG-related powers and functions granted by the Board of Directors.

Management Office
- Formulate ESG governance plans and action plans, and coordinate and promote the implementation of ESG governance of the Company.
- Formulate the Company's ESG governance objectives and sub-objectives, set medium- and long-term objectives and annual objectives, and formulate assessment systems for ESG objectives.
- Summarize the work plans and implementation status of each ESG team, assess the completion of ESG objectives, ensure the effectiveness of the follow-up, evaluation and improvement mechanism of ESG action plans, summarize the completion status of the objectives and report to the Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee.
- Regularly prepare and publish the annual ESG report of the company, and disclose ESG-related information to the public in a timely manner.

Task Force
- Actively cooperate with and respond to short-, medium- and long-term corporate ESG development proposals, ESG management systems, ESG system construction, ESG objectives, etc., and implement ESG management of major issues in their respective areas of expertise to ensure full integration of ESG management normalized work.
- Lead (cooperate with) the development of the annual ESG working program for relevant issues, including the direction of the current year's focus on improvement, assessment methods of objectives, and the achievement of the reward and punishment mechanism, etc.
- Regularly report to the ESG Management Office on the current management status of each major issue, the operation of the system and mechanism, the setting of objectives, the achievement of milestones, and the operation of the ESG reward and punishment mechanism, and continuously improve the performance of the Company's responsibilities under each ESG issue through the implementation of effective ESG action plans and the implementation of a follow-up, evaluation and improvement mechanism.
- Cooperate with the regular ESG information disclosure work, including but not limited to assisting in the preparation of the Company's ESG report, organizing the collection and aggregation of qualitative and quantitative data, and participating in ESG training.
ESG Issues