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Management Structure
Capchem strictly adheres to the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China on energy conservation. It has formulated management systems such as the Capchem Energy (Carbon) Management Procedure and the Greenhouse Gas Emission Management Procedure.The Company implements a "top-down, headquarters leading the base" energy (carbon) management model and establishes an Energy (Carbon) Management Committee at the board level. This structure further enhances the management of energy and greenhouse gas emissions in the processes of production, procurement, and office operations.
Energy Management System
The Company has established a management system and conducted energy management activities in accordance with the ISO 50001 Energy Management System. As of 2023, Shenzhen Capchem, Huizhou Capchem, Sanming Hexafluo and Suzhou Novolyte had obtained ISO 50001 Energy Management System certification.
Major Emission Reduction Measure
Emission Reduction Practice
- In accordance with the guidance and requirements of ISO 14064, Capchem has conducted carbon emission inventory and verification for eleven offices or production bases, including Shenzhen Capchem, Huizhou Capchem, Sanming Hexafluo, Nantong Capchem, Jiangsu Hicomer, and Hunan Fluopont.
- The Company has also conducted ISO 14067 Product Carbon Footprints inventory and verification for lithium battery electrolyte produced in the Huizhou base, enhancing the transparency of product carbon emissions information.
- Huizhou Capchem solvent expansion project adopts the green carbonate solvent production process known as Ethylene Oxide to Carbonate Solvents Integrated Process (ECOSIP™ ). Through this green process, the project transforms carbon dioxide into green and high-tech fine chemical materials, removing approximately 19,582 tons of carbon dioxide in 2023.
- In 2021, Sanming Hexafluo coorperated with relevant organisation to build a carbon sequestration forest to offset carbon dioxide emissions. The project was completed in 2022, with approximately 28,400 Chinese fir, Schima superba Gardner and Champ thunbergii with strong carbon sequestration capabilities planted, totalling 158 mu. It is expected to absorb more than 3,000 tons of carbon dioxide annually.
Contact Us
Capchem Plaza, Changye Road, Pingshan District, Shenzhen City, China.
