Capchem Attended The 13th World Industrial Development Forum

On September 27, The 13th World Industrial Development Forum was held in Shenzhen. In order to further accelerate the in-depth integration of artificial intelligence and manufacturing, this forum is themed with “building a new pattern of artificial intelligence and creating a strong industrial foundation with high quality”.Capchem participated in the forum and discussed with global leading enterprises, authoritative organizations, outstanding leaders and cutting-edge experts to discuss topics such as empowering artificial intelligence technology to real application scenarios, and further promote the development of new quality productivity. Dawen Zhou, President of Capchem, attended the forum on behalf of Capchem.

Dialogue Forum

Along with the continuous growth of overseas demand, going overseas has become an important growth engine for enterprises.Capchem, as a global leading enterprise of electronic chemicals and functional materials, President Zhou was invited to participate in the Entrepreneurs Dialogue Forum, joining hands with the Chairman of Shenzhen Federation of Industry and representatives of famous enterprises in the industry to start a dialog around “Insight into the new engine of manufacturing, seize the overseas growth point”.


Mr. Zhou shared relevant insights and thoughts from the dimensions of market expansion, technological innovation, brand building, information construction, talent training, etc., in order to be able to better grasp the new opportunities and challenges brought by the international market. On the same day, Mr. Zhou, as a representative of the enterprise, was interviewed by famous media such as Phoenix and Shenzhen TV.

Mr. Zhou said that if manufacturing enterprises want to make a name for themselves in the international market, they first need to improve product quality by virtue of scientific and technological innovation, win a competitive advantage in the international market through continuous improvement of products, and build up the international reputation of the enterprise.At the same time, it is necessary to prospectively take innovative talents and digital transformation as the dual-wheel support for enterprises to go overseas, and apply informationization, digitization and intelligent technology such as AI to improve innovation efficiency, production efficiency and internal operation and management efficiency according to local conditions. Based on the global vision and in-depth understanding of local laws and regulations, we can localize talents and go overseas to promote the aggregation of resources and the application of innovations, which will continue to empower the business development of enterprises.

Industrial Brand Innovation Exhibition

In order to deeply integrate the innovative atmosphere of on-site physical display and scene experience, Capchem displayed its core member Hexafluo's self-developed environmentally friendly product,fluorinated coolant,as well as its end-of-application equipment,which gained a lot of people's attention..With fluorinated coolant, electronic components can be immersed in a cooling bath, which can improve energy efficiency by 70%, reduce noise by 45%, and reduce the overall failure rate of equipment by 50%.